Ash Wednesday
The Season of Lent
This is a self-guided time of prayer and meditation to mark the beginning of Lent. This is a perfect family prayer service.
Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday. It’s not a day many of us in the evangelical tradition grew up observing. Yet in churches all over the world people will attend church where a minister will put ashes on their forehead saying, “From dust you came, and to dust you shall return.” These can be sobering words to hear – even depressing. However, we can find in these words great wisdom which will guide our time as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Our tradition has taught us this: before we revel in the good news, we must first hear the bad news. You are going to die – we are all going to die. In a little while we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but first we must walk in the wilderness for forty days. Lent will help us prepare for this.