this week's announcements
good faith network’s nehemiah assembly
Good Faith Network’s Nehemiah Assembly is TONIGHT, Tuesday, May 7th from 6:00-7:30pm at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood. No childcare is available.
graduation sunday
Graduation Sunday is this Sunday, May 12th. It is a special Sunday at Redemption when we acknowledge and celebrate those in our community who have graduated from high school, college, an advanced degree, or other kinds of special programs or certificates. If you would like to be recognized at Redemption for your accomplishments, please register here and let us know what you are graduating from, so we can celebrate with you!
pentecost/membership sunday
As Eastertide comes to an end, and we transition to ordinary time on the church calendar, we celebrate Pentecost with our Membership Sunday. If you have been hanging out at Redemption Church and would like to become part of our Redemption family, you will have an opportunity to sign our membership book on Sunday, May 19th during communion.
strengthening families program training
If you are interested in being a part of Redemption Church's Strengthening Families Program (SFP) as a class facilitator please consider attending a county wide training on Wednesday, June 12th. Please contact Mandy Hill at with questions or for information about the training and SFP.
community garden plots available
If you would like to have a plot in our community garden this season, please contact Blake O’Dell at There is a $15 fee to cover the cost of water.
Follow us on Instagram @RedemptionChurchOlathe
sunday services and sermons available
If you would like to listen or watch this week's sermon, please click here where you’ll find a full archive of past teachings and guest speakers. Each sermon is posted within a few days. You can also watch the live stream directly from the Church Center app.