this week's announcements
food pantry volunteers needed
Our monthly food pantry with Harvesters is this Saturday, April 6th from 1-2pm. If you would like to volunteer to help process and distribute food to our neighbors in need, please be at the church by 12:15pm.
u18 volunteer training event: "meaning and community"
Calling all early childhood, elementary, club 56, and youth volunteers. Join us for a training event on Wednesday, April 24th from 7:00-8:30pm, designed to communicate the oddness of Redemption Church. We will discuss what makes our U18 ministries so strange? What is your role as a leader? How do we understand ministry to young people? Childcare will be available.
good faith network’s nehemiah assembly
Save the date! Good Faith Network’s Nehemiah Assembly is Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00pm at Church of the Resurrection.
Follow us on Instagram @RedemptionChurchOlathe
sunday services and sermons available
If you would like to listen or watch this week's sermon, please click here where you’ll find a full archive of past teachings and guest speakers. Each sermon is posted within a few days. You can also watch the live stream directly from the Church Center app.