this week's announcements

the season of advent (details below):

  • Advent Roundtable - Sunday, December 8th from 4:00-6:00pm

  • Ladies’ Christmas Brunch - Saturday, December 14th at 10:00am

  • Cookie Collection - Sunday, December 15th

  • Christmas Eve Family Service - Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30pm

  • Year End Gift Collection at the Christmas Eve Service or online

family advent packets available

Families of PreK-5th graders, please pick up an Advent Packet at the entrance table this Sunday. We've created some simple resources for you to share together during Advent. One per family.

advent roundtable

Our Advent Roundtable is Sunday, December 8th from 4-6pm. If you are examining your beliefs, traditions or practices, this Advent Roundtable is a time to bring your questions and open mind to connect with others who are challenging and deconstructing long held paradigms. Childcare will be provided. No registration is necessary.

ladies’ christmas brunch

Ladies of Redemption Church - Let's celebrate the season with food, coffee and each other’s company! Come for a Christmas Brunch on Saturday December 14th, from 10:00am-12:00pm. Please bring a brunch item to share!

cookie collection for our neighbors

As is our tradition at Redemption, we will be sharing homemade cookies with our neighbors. We are asking that everyone bring 2 dozen homemade cookies on Sunday, December 15th. Staff will package them and our high school interns will deliver the cookies that week.

christmas eve family service

Our Christmas Eve Family Service is Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30pm. No childcare available.

year end gift for compassion ministry

We will be collecting our Year End Gift during our Christmas Eve Service. This collection goes to fund our Compassion Ministry for 2025. If you would like to give online, please click here. Choose the “End of Year Justice and Compassion” fund from the drop-down menu. All giving must be completed by December 31st, to be included on your 2024 Giving Statement.


sunday morning volunteers needed in early childhood area
Redemption’s Early Childhood area continues to grow! With that comes the need for more help!  Volunteering one Sunday morning a month in this department is a wonderful way to make a meaningful impact on the children and families of our church community.  Please consider joining the team! Contact to get started.

women’s advent study online

Gather with other women this Advent season for a virtual devotional study “The Weary World Rejoices”. Kate Bowlers' study will give us a chance to reflect on the season. Four weekly online sessions, and discussion through daily prompts. Hosted by Christina, or for more information


Follow us on Instagram @RedemptionChurchOlathe

sunday services and sermons available

If you would like to listen or watch this week's sermon, please click here where you’ll find a full archive of past teachings and guest speakers. Each sermon is posted within a few days. You can also watch the live stream directly from the Church Center app.

Beth Price