this week's announcements

food pantry volunteers needed

Our monthly food pantry with Harvesters is this Saturday, February 3rd from 1-2pm. If you would like to help distribute food to our neighbors in need, please be at the church at 12:15pm.

epiphany roundatable

Our roundtable for the season of Epiphany is this Sunday, February 4th from 4-6pm in the foyer. If you are examining your beliefs, traditions or practices, this Epiphany Roundtable is a time to bring your questions and open mind to connect with others who are challenging and deconstructing long held paradigms. No registration is necessary. Childcare is available.

ash wednesday service

Marking the beginning of Lent, we invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 14th from 7-9pm. Come for a time of prayer, contemplation, and the presentation of ashes.

project 10/20 underway

The cold weather shelter Project 10/20 is open and continues nightly through the end of March. This overnight shelter houses and feeds homeless men and women during the coldest months. If you would like to provide and meal or volunteer to work, please link here to the Project 10/20 website to register.


Follow us on Instagram @RedemptionChurchOlathe

sunday services and sermons available

If you would like to listen or watch this week's sermon, please click here where you’ll find a full archive of past teachings and guest speakers. Each sermon is posted within a few days. You can also watch the live stream directly from the Church Center app.

Beth Price