this week's announcements
annual church bbq this saturday!
The Annual Church BBQ this Saturday, October 14th from 5:30-8:30pm! We provide the meat, bbq beans, coleslaw and cheesy potatoes. Last names A-M, please bring a side dish to share. Last names N-Z, please bring a dessert to share. There will be a bounce house, 9-Square and cornhole fun! There is a $5 per person or $20 per family maximum donation to help cover the costs. Please register here to attend.
redemption church institute
Save the dates for the next Redemption Church Institute on October 29 and November 5 & 19 from 4:00-6:00pm.
Follow us on Instagram @RedemptionChurchOlathe.
sunday services and sermons available
If you would like to listen or watch this week's sermon, please click here where you’ll find a full archive of past teachings and guest speakers. Each sermon is posted within a few days. You can also watch the live stream directly from the Church Center app.