Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

food fight item for february:  dish detergent


lost and found

Please take a moment  on Sunday and check the lost and found basket on the kitchen counter.  It’s overflowing with things.  Unclaimed items will be donated.


lenten calendar:

· Ash Wednesday Service- February 18th, 7p-9p

· Friday Feast—February 20th, 6:30p

· Palm Sunday—March 29th

· Maundy Thursday Service— April 2nd, 7pm

· Good Friday Service— April 3rd, 5:30pm

· Friday Feast—April 3rd, 6:30pm

· Easter Sunday—April 5th


snow brigade

If you would like to be a part of our snow brigade and help a family in our community by shoveling snow at their home this winter,  please sign up in the foyer or contact Mike Weakland at


men and boys’ backpacking trip

Our annual summer backpacking trip will be July 26-29!  Questions?  Contact Josh Madden.