2024 Dates:
October 31st - November 3rd
The youth ministry at Redemption wanted to give you some insight into what we do on the retreat and why we do it. Take some time to explore the following information, and do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
OUR FOCUS: Peace and Justice
Over the weekend, your students will be reading the entire Book of James. We chose James because of how intimate and challenging James can be. The retreat is the perfect place to wrestle with what James has to say. I pray that your student learns that every part of their story… belongs in the church and is used by God for the further redemption of creation… I pray they feel in their bones that they have the freedom, to tell the truth of their life and that their story has the power to create communities that are awake to the presence and mission of God in the world.
Our students and leaders travel south east to Lampe, MO. The cabins we stay in are located so far south we could throw a baseball to Arkansas. The beautiful log cabins sit right on the shore of Table Rock Lake, right next to Kanakuk. Even though it’s November the water is often still just warm enough to swim.
The complex that we stay at is amazing. They have put-put golf, sand volleyball, canoes, paddle boards, and fire pits. It’s a great location for a weekend getaway.
The reason we chose this location is because it has enough things to do that our students can stay active, but due to the beauty of the lake and the nature around us it feels secluded enough to give our students distance to breath and refresh.
“Following Jesus involves leaving the comfortable place and going to a place that is outside our comfort zone. Spiritual displacement is what is called for. The dictionary says that to displace is ‘to move or to shift from the ordinary or proper place. As a ship at sea displaces water, so we are displaced when something greater than ourselves moves us in a new direction or state of being. For displacement to be a real discipline, it has to be voluntary. Voluntary displacement prevents us from being caught in the net of the ordinary and proper. It is the discipline essential to remembering who we really are and remaining in touch with our greatest gifts of gratitude and compassion.””
Henri Nouwen
Our retreat is organized around three times of prayer and three meals each day. We have a morning, noon, and evening prayer right before we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Everything we do breaks out of these three essential moments throughout the day. Take a look at our schedule below, and maybe find a time to pray for us over the weekend.
Friday/Saturday Schedule
8:00am | Wake up
8:30am | Morning prayers
8:45am | Breakfast
9:15am | Silent time
10:00am | Free time
11:30am | Mid day prayer
12:00pm | Lunch
12:45pm | Group game
2:00pm | Free time
5:45pm | Evening prayers
6:00pm | Dinner
7:00pm | Movie
9:00pm | Evening reflection
10:00pm | Free time
11:00pm | Cabin time
12:00pm | Lights out
Silent Time and Movies (Visio Divina)
Parent note: When we arrive at the cabin, we take the student’s cell phones and return them on the way home after the retreat is over. If you need to get in touch with your student you will need to text Cole McGee (913-314-8238). This is a practice that shapes presence and trust in the student, but it is equally a practice of presence and trust for the parents.
Silent Time
What is up with these two things in our schedule? Good question… Silent time is 45 minutes where the students take the booklets we give them and spread out all over the woods and read through the entire Book of James. After each day of silent time, there will be some guided questions, time to draw, or just simply space to be quiet and reflect on the words of Jesus.
Visio Divina
In the evening, after dinner, all of our students gather around the theater in the basement of the cabin and we watch a movie. The movies will be entertaining and meaningful, but there is a specific way in which we watch the movies that then leads to our discussion time after the movie. Before we start the movie, I guide the students to watch the movie with three questions at the forefront of their mind:
Where is God in this movie?
Where is a deep tension in this movie? What does the movie do with that tension?
What kind of story is the director trying to tell?
The students will then have their booklets and pens out as they watch and they can either take notes or they can simply watch the film. At the end of our time watching the movie we will debrief upstairs together and let God speak to us through the movie. All of our discussion will be centered around our main focus for the week.
What to pack and what my student needs.
Below is a simple packing list that your student can bring. There is also a packing list of stuff NOT to bring.
What they can bring
$20 - This is for dinner on Thursday.
Small games or sports balls.
Bathing suit and towel
What not to bring
More than 1 big bag and 1 small bag. Please only pack 1 large bag and 1 carry-on item.
Video game system. These will be confiscated until the end of the retreat.
Weapons of any kind
Non-prescription drugs and alchohol.
Fireworks or explosives of any kind.
Your student will be sent home immediately if they violate any of the things below. If something happens, your student will be isolated to their room, you will be called, and you will be asked to drive to the retreat and come pick them up immediately (no matter the time and with no exceptions).
Sneaking out of your cabin past evening cabin time.
Being in a girl’s room if you are a guy or a guy’s room if you are a girl.
Non-Prescription drug or alcohol use.
Conscious bullying or violence toward another student or self.
Any conscious sexual behavior that is manipulative or predatory.
Having sex or physically stimulating another student through touch for any reason.
Engagement in all lake activities without a life jacket.
Engagement in the destruction of property or vandalism.
Pick up and Drop off
Your student needs to be at Redemption Church by 5:30 pm on Thursday, October, 31st.
Your student will be back at the church by Sunday, November 3rd in the afternoon. The time is always a little open due to how long it takes us to clean cabins and eat breakfast. We will be texting you and letting you know the exact time ASAP on Sunday.