Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

advent sacred space & contemplative prayer practices

Contemplative practice sessions will conclude this Saturday, December 22 at 9am.  Join us for a time of guided prayer and contemplative practice toward a quieter, more mindful Advent season. Contact Harold Berciunas at


christmas eve service

Our Christmas Eve service is a family service and begins at 5:30pm. We will be collecting our special year-end gift, which goes to supporting our Compassion Ministry.  No childcare will be provided.


year-end gifts

There are 3 ways to give to our special year-end gift. 

  1. text  a dollar amount and the phrase “endofyear” to 84321.

  2. on our website, click on give, then online giving, and choose End of Year Justice and Compassion from the drop-down menu.  Enter amount.

  3. Write a check with the note “year-end gift” in the memo line.  All giving must be in by December 31st to be eligible for 2018 tax deductions. 


project 10/20

For information about the cold weather homeless shelter serving Johnson County or sign up to bring food or help with overnight supervision, visit or contact Jim Schmidt at