Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

men's monthly breakfasts

Men’s ministry is hosting a breakfast on the first Saturday of the month from 8:30-10am.  The next event is this Saturday, April 1st.  $3-5 donations suggested to cover the cost of breakfast.


interested in foster care or adoption?

Have you ever wondered what it would take to become a foster parent? How to become an adoptive parent? There will be a brief 20 minute informational meeting this Sunday, April 2nd, immediately following service in the Community Room hosted by Ginny Madden and Tracy Tennis.


"welcome to the 21st century fund" collection

We will begin our collection of the "Welcome to the 21st Century Fund" this Sunday and continue through April 9th. 


ladies' game night

Ladies, you're invited to an evening of fun and fellowship on Friday, April 7th at 7:00pm.  We will meet at the church and share some snacks and games.  Please bring a playful spirit and a snack or sweet to share.  (Last names A-M bring salty, N-Z bring sweet. Rebels bring whatever you want, cuz you were going to anyway. :))


lenten calendar:

· Palm Sunday Service—Sunday, April 9th at 10am

· Maundy Thursday Service—Thursday, April 13th at 7:00p

· Friday Feast/Good Friday Service—Friday, April 14th, 6:30pm at The Rub, followed by service at the church at 8pm

· Easter Sunday Service—Sunday, April 16th at 10am


redemption church food pantry

Redemption Church hosts a mobile food pantry on the first Saturday of each month. Fresh produce is available for families in need. If you know anyone who would benefit from bags of fresh fruits and vegetables please send them our way. The pantry opens in the parking lot at 1:00pm.