Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

volunteers needed!

· Volunteers are need to work with infants and preschoolers.  The rotation is set up for working an average of once every month.  Please contact Nicole Green at or 816-868-2840 if you are interested.

· The Environment Team is looking for help preparing communion and lighting candles on Sunday mornings.  Please contact Michelle Clark if you’d like to volunteer once a month.


future discipleship community dates:

 * This Sunday, September 20th, from 4-6pm,  Childcare provided.

 * BLITZ:  Sundays, October 11, 18 & 25 from 4-6pm.  Sign-up in the foyer on Sundays if you would like to be a part of a community group.


ESL classes to begin

Redemption’s English conversation classes begin September 21st.  If you have considered volunteering for Redemption's ESL classes please attend a short meeting after the church service this Sunday morning, Sept 20th.


UPLIFT needs

The ministry to the homeless, UPLIFT, is in urgent need of adult t-shirts, jeans and sweatshirts, backpacks and empty, clean 2-liter bottles and gallon jugs.  Jim Schmidt will be collecting them in the foyer on Sundays.


save the date!

Our annual Church BBQ is Saturday, October 17th at 5:30pm.


Student Ministries

Tuesday Homework Sessions &Tutoring: Tuesdays starting TODAY is the opportunity for your 7th - 12th grader to come to the church and do homework. The church is quiet and has some great spaces to focus in and work. We are opening the doors between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. Sara Kline will tutor in Language Arts from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.

Youth Ministry Fundraiser: Yard Sale: The youth ministry is going to be having a yard sale in the parking lot of the church October 2nd - 3rd. Please bring your items to donate beginning on Monday, September 28th.  If you need a large item pick-up, contact Cole at$20 fee).