Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

christmas eve service

Our Christmas Eve Service is Thursday at 5:30pm.  It is a family service and no childcare will be provided.  Our offering that evening will go toward our year-end gift, which will go toward our Compassion Ministry, as we serve those in our community.  If you are unable to attend that night and would like to give toward our year-end gift, please feel free to leave your check marked “year-end gift” in the Sunday offering before December 31st.


children’s coats needed!

If you have a kids coat that you no longer need the children at Banneker Elementary, where Caye Yurchak is a teacher, are in desperate need!! Please donate a coat for children between the ages of 5-12. We will be collecting them in the atrium through the end of the year.  


strengthening families program to begin

The next session of Strengthening Families begins January 21st and continues on Thursday evenings.  If you are interested in helping in any way, (childcare, meal preparation,  or being a table host) please contact Mandy Hillat 
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a prevention program for parents and children ages 5-16 in higher risk families. SFP consists of parenting skills, life skills, and family skills training courses taught together in fourteen 2-hour group sessions. The class is preceded by a meal which gives families a chance to eat and connect with each other and a "table host" or family from our church.  


snow brigade

If you are interested in serving the community by shoveling driveways and walks for the elderly and disabled this winter, please contact Mike Weakland


volunteers needed

Our Towel Team is looking for people to help wash towels after Sunday morning showers.  If you are able to help, please sign up on our website: under the Compassion tab.

First Impressions needs volunteers to hand out bulletins and help during the service.  If you would like to be a part of this team, please contact Beth Price at