Redemption Church

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this week's announcements

advent 2015

As part of Advent this year, we will be inviting our neighbors to both Redemption’s and Via de Esperanza’s Christmas Eve Services.  Along with the invitation, our youth group will be delivering cookies to homes.  To help make this happen, we’re asking everyone to bring 2-3 dozen cookies on Sunday, Dec. 13th


strengthening families program to begin

The next session of Strengthening Families begins in January on Thursday evenings.  If you are interested in helping in any way, (childcare, meal preparation,  or being a table host) please contact Mandy Hill
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a prevention program for parents and children ages 5-16 in higher risk families. SFP consists of parenting skills, life skills, and family skills training courses taught together in fourteen 2-hour group sessions. The class is preceded by a meal which gives families a chance to eat and connect with each other and a "table host" or family from our church.  


men’s ministry event

We’re going to Top Golf and watch Sunday Night Football on Sunday, December 13th at 7:00pm.  Cost is $10/person.


snow brigade

If you are interested in serving our community by shoveling driveways and walks for the elderly and disabled this winter, please contact Mandy Hill ( and let her know you’d like to be a part of the Snow Brigade!  You will be assigned one home in Olathe to serve.